Our Therapists are our Ambassadors
Communicative development helps a child convey thoughts, messages and information. Mastering communication includes receptive (input/listening) and expressive (output/talking) language skills are used to communicate with others.
Sensory development relates to a child’s ability to gather and understand information from the environment through any of the five senses—hearing, tasting, touching and/or smelling. Children develop a sensory preference (how they prefer take in information) and a sensory process (how they respond to sensory input).
Social and emotional development relates to a child’s ability to understand feelings and emotions of oneself and others. Social and emotional skills not only include the child’s experience, expression, and management of emotions and feelings (intrapersonal) but the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others (interpersonal).

Developmental Processes Promoted
Auditory Attention & Processing
Pretend Play
Language Development
Cause & Effect
Telephone Etiquette
Social Skills

Speech Therapist Testimonials
“In addition to Bluebee Pals being super easy to pair and use with your mobile devices, these fun characters quickly interested and engaged our students ~ which also prompted focused attention, receptive and expressive language, and laughter! We have enjoyed sharing Bluebee pals in a variety of setting and activities with our special needs students.”
– Mai Ling Chan stands at the forefront of technology and exceptional education. A self-proclaimed tech crusader, Mai Ling channels her passion for exceptional students and their educators into her work as a YappGuru MOBILE Learning Facilitator, training special education educators and therapists around the country on how to harness the full potential of the newest therapy apps on iPads….CEO CoFounder YappGuru, national presenter, author, Speech-Language Pathologist, Exec Board Ellevate Network Phoenix
My students absolutely adore BlueBees and want to come to speech just so they can play with their BlueBee friends. It is not uncommon for students when they see me on campus to ask me about them. As a school-based speech-language pathologist in California I work with students with a wide range of disabilities. For my kids with autism who are working on developing their narratives skills (e.g., retelling stories or sharing personal narratives), BlueBees have been the best motivator to get my students engaged in the process. The kids look forward to “retelling” their stories or sharing they are thrilled when they make comments back at them such as “That sounded like fun?” or “That was interesting.” I always begin by asking “Who do you want to tell your story to today?” Then we talk about how much information they need to give in order for them to understand. The best part about using BlueBees in my sessions is that my students go home and talk about what they are doing in speech. Parents of children on my caseloads all know about BlueBees.
– Dr. Janet Dodd, SLP.D., CCC/SP, Assistant Professor ,Communication Sciences and Disorders ,Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
Chapman University
I have been a pioneer and leader in the field of speech language pathology in the areas of collaboration and overall communication skill development. Presently, I am the Educational Director of Kimochis (KEY.MO.CHEEZ) which means feeling in Japanese. Our tools help one understand how to communicate feelings in positive ways while building sound social-emotional learning tools.
When I saw Bluebee Pals, I thought this is genius. Genius for all children not just students with communication handicaps as these interactive adorable stuffed animals instantly draw people together and help everyone communicate in a fun and effective way. The interactive component makes everyone feel as if speech is happening which is fantastic as this makes all feel connected as they are communicating. I recommend Bluebee Pals to children with and without handicapping conditions and think ALL schools and clinics should have Bluebell pals as a staple tool for inspiriting and sustaining positive communication. Thank you Bluebee Pals for giving the world yet another awesome and desperately needed communication tool. I love Bluebee Pals.
– Ellen Pritchard Dodge, M.Ed., CCC-SLP (Educational Director of Kimochis (KEY.MO.CHEEZ) which means feeling in Japanese.)

As a speech language pathologist, over the last 35 years working with kids, one of the biggest challenges was keeping them focused, attending and listening to directions, conversation and stories. Bluebee Pals, Sammy the Bear, Leo the Lion, Riley the Zebra and others lip sync songs, stories and content from learning apps. Connect the animals to a Bluetooth enabled phone, tablet or laptop from Apple to Android and they become a cuddly learning pal, adding a physical (think sensory plush), visual and auditory dimension to learning. I’m impressed with the quality of the voice, as well as the realistic coordinated movements of the mouth. An obvious terrific companion to therapists, specifically speech pathologists, Bluebee Pals are also a helpful addition to play for typically developing kids. especially in listening to stories, singing and conversing by phone. Pair your Pal with your phone and Leo or Sammy take on the voice of the caller, bringing a fun stuffed animal into the conversation, practicing conversational skills and building social language too.
– Sherry Y. Artemenko, M.A., C.C.C.
Speech Language Pathologist, Writer, Toy Consultant
“Our classroom has just begun using our new BlueBees. The kids love using Storytime Online having books read to them. Before the BlueBees the kids liked the stories but since we have added the animals they sit up and pay much better attention. As a speech pathologist, I have also used BlueBees with the app Language Acquisition through Motor Planning, LAMP, it is an augmentative communication application. I hook the BlueBee up and have the animal talk to my student via the app. The kids really take to the animal and interact with it more than they do with me. ..There is something less threatening I guess. They love it!”
– Julie Fox, MS, CCC-SLP
Julie is working for the Mid-Del school district in Oklahoma City. She currently works with 30 students who have the diagnosis of autism. Julie is also on the district assistive technology team working with teachers across the district to support children with special needs.
“Bluebee Pals are a fun addition to my therapy toolbox! I’ve been a pediatric SLP for over 26 years and use my iPads in therapy every day. The Bluebee Pals not only amplify the sound as a Bluetooth speaker, they also entice engagement and spark interest. There’s something magical about seeing a stuffed animal talk as you interact with apps on the iPad. Highly recommend it as a valuable tool in any SLP’s therapy toolbox.”
– Angela Moorad – Founder of OMazing Kids, LLC , ASHA Certified & Licensed Pediatric Speech – Language Pathologist
As a speech-language pathologist who has worked for more than 40 years with kids with autism and complex communication needs, I have found a few “go-to” items that are almost always engaging when I am trying to establish and build communicative responses. Bluebee Pals instantly made the list. Kids love the fact that they “talk.” I have had the Pals read stories, have conversational exchanges, and even “sing.” They’ve been a huge hit!
– Susan Berkowitz, MS,CCC.,SLP – Serving San Diego & Surrounding Counties – AAC Consultant
Over the past few weeks I have been using the Bluebee Pals during therapy. WOW, what a game changer for some of the most-challenging kiddos. I have found them to be engaging, enticing and a true source of enjoyment. Every so often there is the student that just doesn’t seem to be motivated or interested; he or she may just be completely content to have no interaction. BUT, helping facilitate communication is my job and when my new little pals accompanied me I saw a change with a couple of kids. I now had joint attention, big smiles, engagement and interest. In just a matter of a couple of speech and language sessions, one student is commenting and requesting with her AAC device, “bear soft”, “I want zebra”, “Zebra sing”. I also had the pleasure of demonstrating the use of the Bluebee Pals during a recent Language and Literacy workshop. I enabled the Bluetooth on my ipad, opened the Weesing 123 App and passed the lion around the room. The attendees loved it.
– Jackie Bryla, Speech Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA)
I am a Speech Language Pathologist working in public schools in Alabama. With over 30 years of experience, I have used lots and lots of materials!!! I have embraced the use of technology in my speech therapy classes because I have seen the difference it has made with engaging and motivating my students!. I love using the Bluebee Pals in therapy!!! The kids enjoy them and I keep coming up with ways to incorporate these furry friends into my students’ goals. In my room, we also call them our communication partners because they help us work on a variety of speech skills.I I noticed increased active engagement during our lesson! This translated to improved retell skills and improved memory for main idea and comprehension of important story facts. The REAL joy of the lessons was when the students recorded and retold the story, in sequence! The Bluebee Pals were talking in THEIR voices!!!! They were sooooo excited! Oh! How they love recording and listening to themselves!!! They were eager to email their own recorded narratives to our speech room, their teacher and their parents!
– Helen H. Wagner, M.S., CCC-SLP
“Bluebee Pals have been an instant hit during speech-language therapy sessions! I have used Bluebee Pals with our students with Autism across all range of abilities. Bluebee Pals have helped us learn grammar concepts, work on our articulation skills, have conversations with appropriate pragmatic language skills, and even helped us use our AAC devices! Bluebee Pals are like rewards and learning tools in one cuddly package!”
Punam Desormes, M.A., CCC-SLP: Speech-Language Therapist-Princeton House Charter School
I work with a young student with autism who is non-verbal and uses a communication device with Speak for Yourself to communicate. Like most children he learns best when he is motivated and engaged, but he needs lots of repetition to learn, andcan easily get satiated on the same toys and games. Two of his favorite things are animals and technology, so I was excited to try the Bluebee Pal zebra with him. I connected the Zebra to my iPad and used the Speak for Yourself app to talk to him and ask him questions. He loved it! He was laughing and smiling, used his talker to communicate with his pal and followed simple “Give me ___” directions given by the zebra. The next time he came to speech, the first toy he requested was the Zebra.
– Sharon Stanley – SLP
As a speech and language therapist working with young children with language delays and disorders, I find myself looking for ways to engage them in therapy. They LOVE playing on my iPad, but they often become “lost” in the screen and want to push all the buttons vs. doing speech and language therapy. As soon as I saw the Bluebee , I knew instantly that this was something I could easily incorporate into my therapy sessions!
I would recommend this product to any speech and language therapist who would like another trick in their bag to engage children in therapy sessions. I am very happy with this product and hope to have two or three in my therapy room!
– Katie R. Lambert, M.S., SLP LIC-CCC
Occupational Therapist Testimonials
As an Occupational Therapy Practitioner on the go, traveling between schools, I am always looking for interactive toys that make learning fun for children with disabilities. The Bluebee Pal takes a standard app and turns it into something very real and tangible for these kids who so often have few friends and opportunities to communicate. The interactions between the child and the BlueBee Pal are priceless. Instead of just listening to the directions on the app, the child responds to the BlueBee Pal, increasing social engagement and communication skills.
– Mollie Verdier, Occupational Therapy Practitioner
As an OT and a newly certified Assistive Technology provider, I am always looking for fun ways to incorporate interactive technology into to my sessions. I often recommend educational apps and games to parents to help with follow through at home. Let’s face it: Kids love technology. It’s important for them to still manipulate and play with toys, games, and puzzles, but a tablet or cell phone can be used in any location to work on almost any goal. I just found the perfect solution to the disinterested child….. A Bluebee Pal.
– Jamie Spencer, Occupational Therapist/ Assistive Technology Specialist
Bluebee Pal is a multi-faceted tool that subtly plays an integral role in the treatment protocol of a child. As an Occupational Therapist, Bluebee Pal is the Voice to a Non-Verbal Child as it connects to any AAC app. The cuddly, huggable plush animal provides Sensory Input , Facilitates Social Skills, encourages Imaginative Play, Communication skills and emotional Connection. I have also used Bluebee Pal in conjunction with the iPad as a token reward after the child has completed a writing or any fine motor activity. Bluebee Pal’s versatility is definitely great to have in your treatment goody bag and encourage all special educators and parents to bond the child with Bluebee Pal in the day to day developmental activities.
– Bindu Ramchandani, Occupational Therapist
Bluebee Pals are an asset to any therapeutic environment, and provide kids with a sense of belonging by having someone in their corner. Hugging and sharing their experiences with the Bluebee Pal provides comfort and calming by providing input to their bodies and brains. This in turn helps a child learn to self-regulate by practicing waiting and listening. Sustained play with a Bluebee Pal during OT sessions and then carried through with at home or in the classroom, helps to extend that new gained confidence and competence across all domains or routines in a child’s life. In addition, goals of joint or shared attention are a natural outcome from play as the Bluebee Pal is always there and enjoys the same activities as the child – whether they are playing an app, reading a story, or listening to music. They have been a joy to use in therapy, and the proof is in the smiles and increased competencies of a child who now has a friend.
– Jo Booth – OTR/L

Get your 1st, 2nd or even 3rd Bluebee Pal Today!!