Princeton House Charter School

Princeton House Charter School is a public non-profit charter school in Orlando, Florida devoted to serving children with Autism in PreK-5th grade. They provide cutting-edge education and therapeutic intervention for all their students via a multi-disciplinary team approach and active parent involvement.
Representatives from the school attended an assistive technology conference where they met Bluebee Pals for the very first time. Their director, Kim Gelalia, was immediately intrigued by the Bluebee Pals and insisted on purchasing some for her school. Princeton House Charter School has since become a part of the Bluebee Pals project and recipient of over 14 donated Bluebee Pals!
Laura Jiencke, president of Kayle Concepts, accepted an invitation from Princeton Houses’ speech-language pathologist, Punam Desormes, to visit and observe teachers/therapists in their classrooms integrating Bluebee Pals in their lesson plans.
“It was an inspirational day watching children engaging with Bluebee Pals while connected to a range of music, voice recordings and AAC apps. iPads are a leading tool for teachers applying assistive technology in their classrooms. Bluebee Pals enhance the educational value by creating a tangible manipulative in a learning setting where children are encouraged to interact.” – Laura Jiencke, CEO of Kayle Concepts and founder of The Bluebee Pals
So impressed with their quick integration of Bluebee Pals into education and treatment of their students with Autism, Ms. Jiencke, returned two weeks later to participate in a training and brainstorming session with 15+ Princeton House ESE teachers and therapists. Teachers and therapists at Princeton House Charter School will evaluate the Bluebee Pal Pro in their classrooms and plan to document and measure the results in the coming school year.
“This is a very special school dedicated to children with Autism who’s teachers are determined to apply creative forms of technology in their classrooms. Teachers and therapists collaborate on the various applications to integrate Bluebee Pals. We are thrilled to have the participation of these dedicated professionals and anticipate the results of their work.” – Laura Jiencke, CEO of Kayle Concepts and founder of The Bluebee Pals
Testimonials from Educators