logo_truman-elementary-school Elizabeth Briley is a resource teacher at Truman Primary School in Norman, OK. She contacted the founder of the Bluebee Pal Project asking for donations for her special needs class. Truman Primary School opened in the 2010-2011 school year when Truman divided into two schools. Truman Primary serves students in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade, while our sister school, Truman Elementary, has Trailblazers in 3rd, 4th, and 5th.

The class Elizabeth Briley teaches is a special education class for children identified as severe/profound with multiple disabilities. Most of the children in her class received their disabilities from traumatic brain injuries as a result of a family member. They started off with 5 students 6 years ago and have now grown to a class of 12 students with 3 more students scheduled to attend next year.  The age group of her students is 3-13 years. There is no middle school program so they go directly from her class to high school. Elizabeth Briley was on Pinterest the and saw the Bluebee Pals. She reviewed the Bluebee Pal Website to check out the products and noticed that Bluebee Pals have a program to donate to special education programs(Bluebee Pal Project).

I know that my students would really love interacting with a Bluebee Pal.  Unfortunately, most of my student’s disabilities limit them in what they are capable of doing but almost all of them can activate and iPad. They become engaged whenever they are using an iPad and this would be just the thing to grab their attention and keep it for awhile. I hope you will consider donating a Bluebee Pal to my class. Thank you very much……Elizabeth Briley-Resource Teachers: Multi Room-Truman Primary School Norman, OK 73072

Bluebee Pal Sammy Bear participating in engaging children to read, learn and communicate at Truman Primary School.The kids are thrilled to have Bluebee contributing in their lesson plans….They love them. Thank you again.









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