Julie Fox and her students at Soldier Creek Elementary School are currently using their Bluebee Pals and paring them with The LAMP Words for Life app, a full vocabulary AAC language app.


LAMP Words for Life is designed to meet the communication needs of children with autism.The app is appropriate for beginning communicators who are just learning that they can affect those around them to skilled communicators with advanced language skills. It features structured language and includes three vocabulary files and features within the app to support language development from the current skill level throughout their life.


Here is a brief testimonial provided by Julie:

I have one classroom of mostly Autisitic students who love using the Bluebee Pals. The students set the Bluebee  Pals up using the iPad with the LAMP app. The LAMP app is an app that a some of our students use for communication.

The teacher then controls what the Bluebee says and can interact with the student with the student thinking that he or she is interacting with the animal and not the person. The students talk with the animal and have exchanges that are longer than if they were interacting with a human. The students are amazed and are more willing to engage.


We have also used them with one student who is an elective mute. He will talk to the Bluebee but not anyone else, again this is using a communication app……..We love them!


Julie FoxSoldier Creek Elementary School

Julie is a ASHA certified speech-language pathologist working for the
Mid-Del school district in Oklahoma City. She currently works with 30
students who have the diagnosis of autism. Julie is also on the district
assistive technology team working with teachers across the district to
support children with special needs.

Julie Fox has a Master’s degree in Communication Disorders from
Wichita State University and has been practicing for 26 years. Nine
years she began working on an Assistive Technology Team where she worked
in Texas. While there, Julie provided assistance to IEP teams working
on implementing and assessing the need for AT. Julie moved to Oklahoma
due to a job change for her husband and began working for Mid-Del. Julie
loves what she does, giving a voice to students who don’t have one.


Please read more about Julie Fox and Soldier Creek Elementary by going to The Bluebee Pals Project.



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