NEW YORK – Kayle Concepts, creators of the revolutionary Bluebee Pals, interactive Bluetooth® enabled plush tech companions and learning tools, chose two men on the autism spectrum to create their instructional “how-to” product video.

 James Sullivan is an actor and filmmaker who received his degree in Cinema Production from San Francisco State University. James hosts his own ‘Jaimetud’ YouTube channel and contributes to several pop culture blogs. Jonathan Murphy is a professional voice actor whose character voices appear in video games, apps and theme parks. Both men have Asperger’s Syndrome.

Bluebee TeeVee

“I was introduced to James and Jonathan through our partnership with the nonprofit Geek Club Books,” said Laura Jiencke, CEO of Kayle Concepts. “They are the two creators of our autism awareness education initiative, Bluebee TeeVee Autism Information Station, a series of entertaining webisodes that teach children about autism.”

Jiencke was impressed with their professionalism and talent. When her company needed an instructional video, she hired Sullivan to write the script, host, film and edit, and Murphy to provide voice over.

“We couldn’t be more pleased with the final video,” says Jiencke. “It has a wit and charm to it that makes what could have been a boring “how-to” a very entertaining experience.”

Watch the video and find out more about Bluebee Pals at


Bluebee Pals Educational Learning tools

About Kayle Concepts and Bluebee Pals:

Kayle Concepts is a premium toy manufacturer developing toys that entertain, educate and communicate (E.E.C.) with children of all ages. Their Bluebee Pals combine the cuddly, plush stuffed animal with state-of-the-art technology. Bluebee Pals and Apps are a marriage of today’s advanced technology and a perfect educational accessory to all tablets and laptop computers. Their exciting wide range of compatibilities provide enhanced educational opportunities for all main stream and special needs children. The built in Bluetooth Wireless feature allow easy connection to “all” APPS by pairing to any Apple or Android Devices: Smart Phone, Tablet or Laptop. The company partners with various therapists, teachers, app developers and organizations to provide “tech companions” that can contribute children’s educational development. Bluebee Pals are instrumental in classroom settings and home environments. They are considered a leading “Assistive Technology Tool.”


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