Bluebee Pals Techie Rangers Book & Activity Guide is a 2019 PAL Award winner!
THE PAL AWARD is the only Toy Industry recognition led by a credentialed speech and language expert, calling out the language learning edge in exceptional toys, games, books and media. Through their design, quality, content and character, PAL winners spark Play that Advances Language. Sherry Artemenko’s selections based on 35 years of child development experience and over 15,000 hours working with kids, empower her unique reviews that explain how parents can best use her winning PAL recommendation.
In a world that runs on words, finding fun ways to build kids’ speech and language early on is invaluable to their future academic success. Sherry Artemenko training as a language pathologist and over thirty five years and 17,000 hours working and playing with children has equipped her to distinguish top products. As a language expert, Sherry regularly promotes PAL winners in the media—FOX6 Milwaukee, NBC CT TV, ASHASphere (American Speech Language-Hearing Association’s blog), and has been tapped as an expert for Parents Magazine.

The Techie Rangers story is a sweet introduction to children who have an alternate way of speaking as well as to the Bluebee Pals who are great companions to learning! The free activity guide is a helpful tool for parents, therapists, and educators to use to expand language learning based on the story.
Kayle Concepts LLC ( Bluebee Pals) creativity, hard work, and developmental focus is evident in this outstanding product. The exciting Bluebee Pals Book and guide can be purchased on Amazon: E-book for free with Kindle membership or print version for $9.99. The PAL Award is the only industry recognition focusing on the best toys, games and books that not only entertain, but also inspire kids and caregivers to engage in rich communication and interaction.https://www.bluebeepals.com/bluebee-pals-app/