Bluebee Pals Blogs, News & Press
Here you can find current reviews on educational apps and resource learning for all abilities
Introducing Mindfulness in Early Childhood
Mindfulness is an essential skill for kids to be successful learners. But what exactly is mindfulness and why is there such a fuss in teaching mindfulness to young children? Mindfulness is simply paying attention to the present moment and allowing all thoughts and...

Bluebee Pals a Diverse Speech Therapy Tool
Bluebee Pals are a great therapy tool! What I love best about our Bluebee Pal is how diverse it is. We use it in so many ways! We have older kids use it as a projection of their voice to greet the younger kids; increasing peer-to-peer interaction is a great...

Bluebee Pals are a Great Holiday Gift!
It's the season for holiday gifting! It can be especially difficult to select quality gifts for young children, and even more difficult to find gifts with excellent educational value that also have that “fun” factor! Look no further...Bluebee Pals are the perfect gift...

Cedar Mountain Primary School and Bluebee Pals
Cedar Mountain Primary School My name is Sarah Winzer and I am the librarian from New Jersey who attended a demonstration of Bluebee Pal this past June 2019 at the ISTE Educational Show. I am so very grateful for your offer to send our library Bluebee Pals!...

Technology-Engaging Little Learners in BIG Ways!
Technology and media are educational tools that are effective only when used appropriately. A joint statement issued by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children's Media at Saint...

Bluebee TeeVee is the Autism Information Station
Bluebee TeeVee, Autism Information Station a seven webisode series where kids learn all about autism—in a friendly, clinically correct and respectful manner with humor and pop culture references thrown in for fun. An innovative series that helps children see past...

Bluebee Pals and Academics’ Choice Awards
Bluebee Pal Pro Ages: 3 – 7 Price: $84.99 Type: Toy, App, Game, Book, Audio, Gear & Equipment By Kayle Concepts LLC Description NEW 4.0 Bluebee Pal Pro is an interactive plush learning tool with a FREE companion (life skills /educational app) that connects...

Story-time with Bluebee Pal
Reading Time is Learning Time with Bluebee Pal! Do you want to expand your child’s language? Help them learn vocabulary? Reading aloud is one of the best ways to meet these goals! Let Bluebee Pal read to your child with these recommended apps below! Parent"s...

Holidays: Books, Apps and Activities with Bluebee Pals
The Holidays are a great time to foster reading, comprehension, problem solving, social-emotional and language skills! It’s even more fun and engaging when you play with Bluebee Pal friends! Here are a few holiday books and activities to check...

Bluebee Pals Dazzle The Down Syndrome Association
The Down Syndrome Association of Central Florida is an accredited and award-winning not-for-profit association founded in 1991 by parents of children with Down syndrome. It has grown from a few families to over 1,200 individuals with DS and their families. They serve...

Bluebee Pals Engages Children in Reading
One of the best features of Bluebee Pals is their ability to suspend reality and bring the written word alive in a book. We all know that reading is one of the best ways to engage children in interactive play and it also gives them an edge up on learning. Current...

Apps Recommended During the Holidays
iMums wanted to share some of our Christmas and holiday themed app favorites with you. Below is a short summary of each of the apps along with links to our reviews as they have been completed. We hope that you will enjoy these apps as much as we have with our...

Bluebee Pals Techie Rangers Book, New Release!
Bluebee Pals Techie Rangers, a companion to the Bluebee Pal Pro! Do you want to add an educational carryover tool with your Bluebee Pal? Bluebee Pal Techie Rangers is the book for you! This picture book is written by speech and language pathologist, Rebecca Eisenberg...

Playonwords LLC Announces Top 10 PAL Award Picks
Playonwords LLC Announces Top 10 PAL (Play Advances Language) Award Picks 2019, Holiday Gift Guide: Top Toys, Games, Books and Media That Spark Fun and Encourage Language Respected speech-language expert Sherry Artemenko announces her Top 10 PAL product lists...

Bluebee Pals a 2019 PAL Award winner!
Bluebee Pals Techie Rangers Book & Activity Guide is a 2019 PAL Award winner! THE PAL AWARD is the only Toy Industry recognition led by a credentialed speech and language expert, calling out the language learning edge in exceptional toys, games, books and media....

The Bluebee Pal Program and Early Childhood
Bluebee Pals and the Bluebee Pal Program are excellent instructional tools for early learners! The Bluebee Pal Pro 4.0 is an interactive plush learning tool that connects via Bluetooth to all iOS and Android devices and pairs with all apps with a narrative, which...

Growth Mindset in Early Learners
“We all have beliefs about our own abilities and potential. These beliefs are part of our mindset which is so powerful it can fuel our behavior and predict our success. Mindset shapes our everyday lives, helping us interpret our experiences and future...

Bluebee Pals and English as a Second Language (ESL)
“English-language learners, or ELLs, are students who are unable to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English, who often come from non-English-speaking homes and backgrounds, and who typically require specialized or modified instruction in both the English...

Bluebee Pals Engage Northeast Schools
Melissa Stark – Special Education Teacher-New York, NY As a special education teacher, you are always looking for ways to help increase your students love of learning. At the ISTE Conference( International Society for Technology in Education) in June 2019, I...

Bluebee Pals Go Global With AAC
BIG EXCITEMENT OPENING DAY AT AGOSCI CONFERENCE- PERTH, AUSTRALIA: August 28-31, 2019 Bluebee Pals Exhibit in Perth Australia!..AAC Communication: Augmented, Alternative Communication. What is AGOSCI? Established in 1981, AGOSCI is an inclusive group...
Get your 1st, 2nd or even 3rd Bluebee Pal Today!!