Vincent the Anteater’s Space Voyage by El Pudu Studios is an enchanting and gentle story that sends a positive message to kids to care for our planet’s resources and to trust in their own inherent abilities. In the story, Vincent, who is a very curious anteater, begins to notice that the tastiest of bugs – the green hairy ants, is no longer available in his area. He searches for an answer from his mentor, and with his blessing goes on an adventure of discovery. Important ecological lessons unfold in his journey to the stars and planets as he seeks out answers. And because he has learned the importance of scientific methods, he knows what it takes to be a keen observer. The opportunity for kids to show Bluebee the solutions to the questions that Vincent seeks through the use of his trusty spyglass are engaging and help children retain information learned because it is a shared experience. In the end, he finds the solution – that was as far away as the stars, but also as close as the tip of his nose.
The artwork is gorgeous and done in stop motion video with soft sculptures. The narration is superb and when read, and played with a Bluebee Pal, it transforms the story into a magical experience. This is a story to be read under the covers or in a tent, with your Bluebee Pal whispering in your ear. In addition, the story lends itself to all kinds of hands on/off-screen experiences. With Bluebee – plant a seed and watch it grow; learn to reduce, reuse, and recycle; or simply lay on a blanket under the stars. The possibilities are endless. The story reinforces valuable responses and habits that can be used over a child’s lifetime.